Research Units

Scientific research at ICCS is structured around various interdisciplinary research groups and laboratories that unite researchers, academic staff, PhD students, and faculty members from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA).

By leveraging our diverse expertise, these research groups advance fundamental science, explore emerging interdisciplinary fields, and foster innovative solutions to address societal challenges.

Creating An Impact

With a mission to promote basic and applied research, drive digitalization, and enhance innovation, ICCS is now recognized as one of the top three research institutions in Greece.

The Institute is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic research, supported by well-organized facilities in Athens, and has earned a global reputation as a leading research institution.

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Knowledge Transfer & Innovation

ICCS actively supports the creation of startups and contributes to successful spin-offs.

Our Technology Transfer Office (TTO) plays a key role in transforming research outcomes into innovative processes that deliver tangible value to society and the economy. In recent years, the rising entrepreneurial spirit among researchers, coupled with the support from the TTO, has resulted in the establishment of four spin-off companies.




International Partners & Memberships

With experience in participating in and coordinating thousands of national and European R&D projects, as well as involvement in numerous educational initiatives and Networks of Excellence, ICCS has established a vast network of partners and key players worldwide.


R&D Projects

At ICCS, we consistently expand our expertise and scientific knowledge by participating in national and European R&D projects across diverse scientific fields.


Researchers, Faculty and Staff

The Institute’s successful performance is primarily driven by a team of over 800 highly qualified researchers, scientists, faculty members, and experts.


Innovation, Clusters & Spin-offs

The establishment of spin-off companies and engagement with international clusters, hubs, and collaborative structures are key strategies for ICCS to leverage research results and drive innovation.


Scholarships, Awards & Excellence

To foster scientific excellence, ICCS annually offers scholarships to PhD students and supports various educational activities. Researchers at ICCS are frequently recognized for their exceptional achievements.

News & Events


AEOLUS: Successful Project Completion and Achievements

After nearly four years of collaborative effort, the AEOLUS consortium is...

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News Success Stories

ICCS-NTUA celebrates NTUA’s recognition as the Leading University in Greece for the second time in a row

We are thrilled to announce that the National Technical University of...

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Invitation to “EIT Digital Athens Connect: Bridging Technology and Talent”

The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the NTUA...

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Presenting 3D-Printed Micro-Lenses for Flow Cytometry and Optical Coherence Tomography at SPIE Photonics West

We are excited to share our participation in SPIE Photonics West with a...

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World-class Recognition for 4 Students of the ECE School

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is thrilled to announce that...

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The 9th ITS Hellas Conference ‘Transportation & Logistics 2024: Explore. Innovate. Transform’ was conducted successfully

The 9th annual conference of ITS Hellas, the Organization for Intelligent Transportation Systems...

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News Success Stories TTO News

ICCS featured in the EU’s Innovation Radar: on 5G and IoT Platform in Port Operations

We are proud to announce that one of the innovations developed...

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The European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)’s visit at I-SENSE Group of ICCS

It has been a great honour for ICCS welcoming the Director...

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I-SENSE Group participates in the 1st A&R Expo & Conference!

I-SENSE Group participates in the the 1st Automation & Robotics Exhibition in Greece, ...

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Exclusive Invitation to join ONCOSCREEN’s Oncothon during CRC Awareness Month!

The ONCOSCREEN project, in which ISENSE Group participates as the Technical...

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Hi-Drive Summer School 2024: Navigating the Future with Advanced and Safe Automated Driving

The second edition of the Hi-Drive Summer School on ‘Navigating the...

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I-SENSE Group supports the FIRST TECH Challenge and the winners are…!

The 1st Hellenic FIRST TECH Challenge Championship took place in Thessaloniki,...

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TERRAVISION: The EU project aiming to enhance the life cycle of critical raw materials is launched

On the 29th of February and March 1st, the Institute of Communication...

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The TeamUP project has started!

The brand new TeamUP project, a Horizon Europe project, was inaugurated...

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ENVELOPE kicks off its activities in Athens! A new Horizon Europe project sets out to develop B5G innovative solutions in CAM

On January 31, ENVELOPE officially kicked off its activities in a two-day, in-person...

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BATTERY2LIFE: A brand-new project on the horizon!

The kickoff meeting of BATTERY2LIFE project, a new Horizon Europe project,...

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Empowering Digital Transformation in Greece: ICCS launches the EIT Digital Office in Athens!

On 17th January, ICCS and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology – EIT...

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The final results of C-Roads Greece in a Factsheet

The C-Roads Greece updated Factsheet in English has been designed to...

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ERIGRID 2.0 completed successfully its 7th General Assembly

The ERIGrid 2.0 Project held its 7th General Assembly from November...

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INHERIT: New Technologies to boost sustainable, inclusive and resource-efficient cultural heritage

The new European funded project INHERIT aims at promoting sustainability of...

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I-SENSE coordinates CHOICE, a new project set to create an impact on the global food chain

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the groundbreaking...

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News TTO News

ICCS opens the EIT Digital Office in Athens | Launch Event on 17.01.24

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and ICCS are pleased to...

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CARDIMED: a new project to enhance climate resilience, kicks off in Athens

Project CARDIMED help its Kick-off Meeting in Athens on September 27,...

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TTO News Uncategorized


The second cycle of the workshop series for the development and...

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TTO News

One Year of Science Agora

The event “One Year of Science Agora” was held with wide participation and...

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5G-LOGINNOV Final Event: 5G Technology in the service of Maritime Logistics

5G-LOGINNOV project organized its final event in the Pretorian Palace at Koper,...

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New project: Themis 5.0

European Commission backs pioneering new AI initiative that will increase the...

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Research Units

Research areas

AI and Smart Systems, Hardware and Software, Computer networks, Mobile Communications, Control and Automation, Power Production, Transport and Distribution, Energy, Transport, Climate, Biomedical and Biomechanics, Information Systems, Management and Decision Support, Photonics

ICCS Director, Ioannis Psarras, on the participation in the 87th Thessaloniki International Fair

Integrating Research and Innovation