Dr Angelos Amditis, R&D Director of ICCS elected Chairman in ERTICO, the European Organisation for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS Europe)

It was during the 34th General Assembly of ERTICO, the European Organization for Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe, that Dr Angelos Amditis, Research & Development Director of ICCS -and I-SENSE Group Director-, was unanimously re-elected ERTICO Chairman for a third consecutive term.

At a time when intelligent transport systems and their successful integration in transportation and logistics are high on the Greek political and business agenda, his presence at the head of the organization represents a significant opportunity for our country, a favourable occasion for international representation and connection with the pan-European developments in the transport and logistics sector.

With a vision towards smart, green, sustainable, and resilient transportation systems of the future, ERTICO, since 1991, has been the largest European collaborative formation for the integration of Intelligent Systems in Transport and the promotion of research and innovation in the areas of Connected and Automated Driving, Urban Mobility, Green Mobility, Freight Transport, and Logistics. Today, it counts more than 120 members, public and private entities across Europe (service providers, suppliers, large industries, telecommunications providers, automobile manufacturers, public authorities, user organizations, academic institutions, research bodies, etc.). Today, ERTICO is constantly expanding its membership with key players in the fields, and remains an important facilitator of EU research and policies in mobility and transport.

His re-election comes to seal already 6 years of effective and successful presidency at the head of the organization, during which ERTICO not only supported new synergies and opened new horizons and fields of activity but also strengthened its role as a key interlocutor of the EU for shaping European policies concerning the improvement of road safety, environmental protection, the development of reliable and efficient mobility services and solutions for citizens, and the promotion of innovation through synergies and partnerships.

This position offers a great opportunity for the Greek research and business community to be represented in the European dialogue, in a field where technological developments are rapid, global, and demand a complete restructuring of the landscape.

Reflecting on his re-election, Dr Amditis stated, “I am deeply honoured to stand before you today to have been approved as the Chairperson of the new Supervisory Board. This decision fills me with immense gratitude and I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of you for your trust and support. This collective and unanimous vote of confidence in me is truly humbling, and our shared commitment will continue driving ERTICO to new heights. Thank you.”

He continued, “Thank you for approving the Supervisory Board. We look forward to collaborating closely with all of you to guide ERTICO over the next three years. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the members for their efforts, commitment, and investment of time and work during this past year. A special thanks also to my vice-chair Ronald Adams and Wolfgang Foltin, chair of the Finance Committee. Both of them also provide invaluable support to the Chairman’s Advisory Council. Of course, the Strategy Committee deserves warm thanks for their work and cooperation under the great leadership of Thomas Jaeger & newly appointed co-chair Svenja Hainz.

At last, please join me in congratulating our CEO Joost Vantomme on his well-deserved reappointment. Joost has received unanimous support from the Supervisory Board for a continued 3 years term from January 2025 onwards.  We look forward to many more years of continued growth and success of our organisation with the support of Joost. My sincere thanks to Joost and his executive team, Didier Gorteman and Vladimir Vorotovic, and the entire ERTICO team for their dedication and enthusiasm in actively supporting and delivering on all our activities with high professionalism. Thank you!”

Echoing this sentiment, CEO Joost Vantomme was deeply honoured by this re-election and trust placed into his leadership of the ERTICO Office, “My heartfelt thanks go to all of you, the ERTICO team, the Supervisory Board, the Strategy Committee, all our Partners and international collaborators, the European Commission, and everyone who are supporting our mission. Together, we are forging a path towards a more resilient, efficient, and sustainable transport ecosystem. Together with our partners and mobility stakeholders, we will continue to lead the way towards a safer, greener future and more efficient mobility in the smart cities and societies of the future. Nothing works without people and brainpower. I am truly proud to inspire our team. They deserve a statue for living our new values: Cooperative, Impactful, Open, Passionate, Visionary”.

The complete Supervisory Board members were also approved during the General Assembly, underscoring the organisation’s commitment to strong leadership and strategic growth for the coming three years. Find more 

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