Hellenic Research and Innovation Community for Security Domain: Invitation to Kick-off Event !

ICCS is pleased to invite you to the kick off event of the Hellenic Research and Innovation Community for Security Domain, a community associated with DG Home CERIS (Community for European Research and Innovation for Security). The kick off event will take place on the 26th of January (13.00-19.00) at the Association of Constantinopolitan friends of Music (Μelantias 56, Athens 117 44).

The Community will be established and supported by the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and the National Centre For Scientific Research Demokritos in collaboration with the Center of Security Studies (KEMEA) and EC DG Home and it is open to all stakeholders relevant to the security domain including research organizations and universities, SMEs and Industry, policy-makers, national, regional and   local authorities, critical entities, private sector as well as NGOs and citizens.

Aiming to facilitate interactions within the security research community and users of research outputs, in 2014 the European Commission established the Community of Users for Safe, Secure and Resilient Societies (CoU), which gathered around 1,500 registered stakeholders (policy makers, end-users, academia, industry and civil society) and regularly held thematic events with the security research community. Now named the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS), this platform continues and expands the work of the CoU, in light of the Horizon Europe developments between 2021-2027.

Platforms and networks not under the direct responsibility of the Commission but associated to the activities of CERIS and relaying information to and from CERIS discussions have been recognized as essential to ensure the alignment between the EU and national and regional levels regarding the definition and prioritisation of research needs.

Recognizing the importance of Research and Innovation in the Security Domain for Greece in all thematic areas, HeRIC-SD establishes the Hellenic ‘Community of Users’ of Security Research to be associated with DG Home Activities.

The objectives of HeRIC-SD are inline with those of CERIS and include:

  • The analysis of identified capability needs and gaps in the corresponding areas, focusing on their specialization for Greece
  • The identification of Greek and European solutions available to address the gaps
  • Translation of capability gaps and potential solutions into research needs
  • Identification of funding opportunities and synergies between different funding instruments including European and National ones
  • The promotion of synergies between EC-funded and National R&I projects and activities
  • Identification of standardisation research-related needs
  • Integration of the views of diverse stakeholders including research organizations and universities, SMEs and Industry, policy-makers, national, regional and   local authorities, critical entities, private sector as well as NGOs and citizens

The Kick-Off Event of HeRIC-SD will take place on the 26th of January (13.00-19.00) at the Association of Constantinopolitan friends of Music (Melantias 56, Athens 117 44) . Please note that registration is required. 



Topic Organization(s) Presenter
13:15 14:30 Welcome and Lunch
14:30 15:00 Welcome speeches by community initiation supporting Research Institutes ICCS, CERTH, NCSR Demokritos Eleftherios Ouzounoglou 

Stefanos Vrochidis

Dimitris Kyriazanos

15:00 15:30 Keynote Speech 1: Principals of CERIS, achievements and activities and foreseen collaboration with national Communities DG Home Philippe  Quevauviller
15:30 16:00 Keynote Speech 2: SSRI Horizon Europe destination and future developments. Connection with CERIS and national Communities. DG Home Giannis Skiadaresis
16:00 16:30 ΑΙ in Civil Security: EU perspectives, SU-AI projects cluster & popAI results NCSR Demokritos Dimitris Kyriazanos
16:30 17:00 H2020 MEDEA results KEMEA Genny Dimitrakopoulou 

George Kokkinis

17:00 17:30 The 112 service in Greece and next steps GSCP Vasileios Kazoukas
17:30 18:00 Disaster Resilience Innovation Cluster DEFKALION and CO-PROTECT project results ICCS 


Eleftherios Ouzounoglou 

Dimitrios Diagourtas

18:00 19:00 Open discussion for setting the  for framework for  Research and Innovation Community for Security Domain DG Home, GSRI, CERTH, NCSR Demokritos Philippe  Quevauviller,  Spyros Kintzios, Dimitris Kyriazanos,  Eleftherios Ouzounoglou

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