WASABI aims at providing SMEs with the tools and knowledge...
THEMIS 5.0 draws researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines...
Greece4.0 is a Network of Excellence for the Development, Dissemination...
TERA6G: “TERAhertz integrated systems enabling 6G Terabit-per-second ultra-massive MIMO...
HellasQCI: “Deploying advanced national QCI systems and networks in...
PARALIA: “Photonic Multi-beam Beamforming Technology enabling Radar/Lidar Multisensor Fusion...
SoftGrip Project came into existence to bring about a technological...
Early Dynamic Screening for Colorectal Cancer via Novel Protein...
Bio-Streams constitutes a holistic solution addressing all checkpoints on:...
BIO-PHOENIX is a EU H2020 project funded by the...
DECIDO (eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective...
Multidisciplinary Expert System for the Assessment & Management of...
The holistic EV-CHAIN solution will play a central role...
The 6Green project aims to conceive, design, and realize...
Hexa-X-II is a flagship European 6G project, with the...
Accessibility Tools