Tag Archives: Information Management Unit (IMU)


WASABI aims at providing SMEs with the tools and knowledge to improve workers capacities and performance, providing advanced user interfaces for continuous augmented hybrid-decision-making. Such interfaces assist employees in interacting with complex software, effectively reducing its skill floor. In consequence, humans will find using software easier and be more open to applying it effectively at work….

Themis 5.0

THEMIS 5.0 draws researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines in order to secure that AI-driven hybrid decision support is trustworthy and takes place in accordance with the particular human user needs and moral values as well as adhere with the key success indicators of the embedding socio-technical environment. It implements an AI-driven, human-centered Trustworthiness Optimisation…

Greece 4.0

Greece4.0 is a Network of Excellence for the Development, Dissemination and Application of Digital Transformation Technologies in the Greek Manufacturing Industry. The goal of Greece4.0 is to help Greek manufacturing industry in their digital transformation towards the design and implementation of smart practices in their production facilities, related to digital automation. The Greece4.0 project will serve as Industry 4.0…

New project: Themis 5.0

European Commission backs pioneering new AI initiative that will increase the transparency of algorithms and accelerate the shift to more trusted AI-enabled services. AI technologies have become an integral part of our lives, influencing everything from healthcare to finance and transportation. However, one of the major concerns surrounding AI is its opaqueness. Many users find…

Prof. Mentzas again among world’s top 2% scientists

As last year, IMU director, Prof. Mentzas, is again among the top 2% of highly cited scientists in the world according to the new list by Stanford University and Elsevier. The ranking of the 2% of the most influential researchers in the world in all scientific disciplines was prepared retrieving data from the SCOPUS database and…

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