

The 6Green project aims to conceive, design, and realize an innovative service-based and holistic ecosystem, able to extend “the communication infrastructure into a sustainable, interconnected, greener end-to-end intercompute system” and promote energy efficiency across the whole 5/6G value-chain. The ultimate objective is to enable and to foster 5/6G networks and vertical applications reducing their carbon footprint by a factor of 10 or more. To achieve this objective, the project will exploit and extend state-of-the-art cloud-native technologies and the B5G Service-Based Architecture with new cross-domain enablers. 6Green will provide stakeholders with flexible and green Artificial Intelligence mechanisms that will allow propagating the [...]




Hexa-X-II is a flagship European 6G project, with the ambition of designing a holistic 6G network platform and system towards achieving sustainability, trustworthiness, green deal efficiency, and digital inclusion, while inspiring the world for digital transformation through novel 6G services. Hexa-X-II will work, beyond enabler-oriented research, to optimized systemization, early validation, and proof-of-concept; work will progress from the 6G key enablers that connect the human, physical, and digital worlds, as explored in Hexa-X, to advanced technology readiness levels, including key aspects of modules / protocols / interfaces / data. Hexa-X II includes: (a) the provision of advanced / refined use cases, [...]




Accident Avoidance by Active Intervention for Intelligent Vehicles The interactIVe project is co-funded by the European Commission in the 7th Framework Programme and its full title is "Accident avoidance by active intervention for Intelligent Vehicles". It addresses the development and evaluation of next-generation safety systems for Intelligent Vehicles, based on active intervention. Safety technologies have shown outstanding capabilities for supporting the driver in hazardous situations. Despite their effectiveness, currently available systems are typically implemented as independent functions. This results in multiple expensive sensors and unnecessary redundancy, limiting their scope to premium-class vehicles. The project is based on the concept that by integrating applications [...]


eCall (eΚΛΗΣΗ)


The general objective of the eCall project is the development of a national pilot system of the pan-European automated initiative “eCall” dealing with emergency calls in the transportation sector. The pan-European “eCall” system was developed based on the initiative of the eSafety forum and its use within the European cars aims at significant live saving and car accidents reduction. The “eCall” system aims at the automatic alerting of the related Civil Protection authorities about a car accident and/or any other related event based on the national mobile network and the use of the pan-European emergency call number “112”. Based on the [...]

eCall (eΚΛΗΣΗ)2023-12-08T00:31:12+02:00



Specification, Implementation, Field Trial, and Standardisation of the Vehicle-2-Grid Interface PowerUp aims to develop the Vehicle-2-Grid (V2G) interface, involving a full development cycle of physical/link-layer specification, charging control protocol design, prototyping, conformance testing, field trials, and standardisation. Its results will ensure that Fully Electric Vehicles (FEVs) smoothly integrate into emerging smart-grid networks. V2G technology will be developed in liaison with the ongoing ISO/IEC standardisation of the V2G interface, and it will extend existing smart-metering standards and ETSI ITS standards for vehicular communications. On the grid side, smart electric meters will be enhanced for V2G capability and V2G-specific demand-balancing control algorithms will [...]




The innovative use of virtual and mixed reality to increase human comfort by changing the perception of self and space. VR-Hyperspace is a 7th Framework Programme project running from October 2011 to September 2014. VR‐HYPERSPACE will carry out fundamental research and development leading to a paradigm shift in relation to passenger comfort. The project adopts radical approaches using virtual and mixed reality technologies to change perception of space, and more profoundly, enable to change the very perception of oneself. VR‐HYPERSPACE aims to utilize current state‐of‐the‐art virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) technology to prototype future possibilities, and especially to explore the [...]




AQUA KNowledge and Innovation transfer for water savinG in tHe mediTerranean basin. Mediterranean water resources are extremely under stress, especially in the south and east shore. In Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia, water demand constantly increases, while water use efficiency can still be considered as limited. These are the two most critical factors regarding the sustainability of the most elementary earth resource: water. Under this concept, policies aiming at improving usage efficiency and at reduced losses and poor usage, are urgently needed. In this sense, AQUAKNIGHT project focuses on optimizing consumption and minimizing the Non-Revenue Water (water not metered or billed to [...]




Mobility2.0 will develop and test an in-vehicle commuting assistant for FEV mobility, resulting in more reliable and energy-efficient electro-mobility. In order to achieve a maximum impact, Mobility2.0 takes an integrated approach of addressing the main bottlenecks of urban FEV mobility: ‘range anxiety’ related to the limited FEV range, scarcity of parking spaces with public recharging spots, and the congestion of urban roads. Our integrated approach means the application developed by Mobility2.0 will utilise co-operative systems to simultaneously consider these bottlenecks, so that such an optimisation can be achieved which still guarantees reliable transportation for each FEV owner. Mobility2.0 will focus on [...]




Cities demonstrating cybernetic mobility. CityMobil has demonstrated how automating road vehicles can lead to different transport concepts, from partly automated car-share schemes through CyberCars and Personal Rapid Transit (PRT), to Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) which can make urban mobility more sustainable. However CityMobil has also highlighted three main barriers to the deployment of automated road vehicles: the implementation framework, the legal framework and the unknown wider economic effect. The CityMobil2 goal is to address these barriers and finally to remove them. To smooth the implementation process CityMobil2 will remove the uncertainties which presently hamper procurement and implementation of automated systems. On [...]




ICT Solutions for Efficient Water Resources Management Water is one of the key resources for mankind. Particularly in densely populated areas, efficient management of water supply is key to be able to sustain the growing human population and address the growing water demand. Today, water distribution networks often suffer from a demand-supply mismatch and water losses and wastage due to leakages. Further, energy costs comprise a significant share of the operational expenses of water utilities. Solutions existing today are inadequate as they do not provide capabilities for fine-granular, real-time monitoringand optimization, and management of the water supply based on customer needs [...]

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