
EUROPE-WIDE PLATFORM FOR COOPERATIVE MOBILITY SERVICES Over the next three and a half years, the €15.6 million MOBiNET project plans to capitalise on the widespread growth in smartphones, mobile data services, and cloud-based computing to launch a new generation of travel apps for European citizens, and transport services for businesses and local authorities. Intelligent transport services (ITS) apply leading-edge mobile communications and information technology to make travel safer, smarter and cleaner – but the challenge is to deploy these Europe-wide and to create a market for ITS products and services.  The MOBiNET solution is to create a community of transport data [...]




Tomorrow's Elastic Adaptive Mobility Changing from static to adaptive mobility drivers, travellers, and mobility infrastructure should act as a TEAM adapting to each other and to the context. By providing comprehensive real time information systems TEAM aims at creating the best mobility conditions in each situation, filling the gap between  anticipation (e.g. trip planning) and reaction (e.g. accident avoidance and active safety) in the “window of interactive participation”. The project main objectives are to: Advance communication technologies that underpin V2X by integrating LTE and by developing an automotive cloud-computing platform to support decentralised traffic management algorithms. Develop proactive algorithms and technologies [...]




Platform of Games for People With Cerebral Palsy to Enhnace Living Adjustment Cerebral Palsy (CP) is one of the most frequently conditions in childhood, with an incidence of 2 per 1,000 live births. In the EU there is 1.3 out of 15 million persons with CP in the world. This neurological disorder affects body movement, balance and posture and almost always is accompanied by other cognitive or sensory impairments like mental retardation, deafness and vision problems. The severity of these problems varies widely, from very mild and subtle to very profound. These disabilities lead to an inactive lifestyle which reduces the [...]




Piloting Cooperative Services for Deployment Seven European cities (Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Eindhoven-Helmond, Newcastle, Thessaloniki, Verona & Vigo) have joined forces with the objectives of substantially improving road safety, increasing energy efficiency and reducing level of congestions for road transport. In order to address these topics the cities and industrial partners will jointly implement three cooperative services, Forward Collision Warning, Red Light Violation Warning and Energy Efficient Intersection service. These services will be piloted over one year of real life driving. Each of the pilot sites contains all partners for successful after-project life, from public authority to infrastructure supplier and users. The user [...]




Integrated and Interoperable Maritime Transit Management System The Mediterranean (MED) Sea Basin has and will continue to be a vital space for circulation of goods with significance beyond the interest of countries directly involved. MED ports and maritime commerce handled through them have been a boost both for regional and European Economic development. Circulation of goods/capitals within the MED sea faces a number of challenges and under this general theme, INTE-TRANSIT will achieve better logistic organization of MED ports and their logistic activities areas – by making use of new ICT  technologies- and establish a cooperation framework between relevant stakeholders in [...]




A holistic, scenario-independent, situation-awareness and guidance system for sustaining the Active Evacuation Route for large crowds The dynamic capture of situational awareness concerning crowds in specific mass gathering venues and its intelligent enablement into emergency management information systems, using smart communication devices and spaces is critical for achieving rapid, timely guidance and safe evacuation of people out of dangerous areas. Humans could be overwhelmed by fast changes of potentially dangerous incidents occurring at confined environments with mass-gathering. They could fail to make objective decisions to find their way to safety. This condition may lead to mass panic and make emergency management [...]




Public Protection and Disaster Relief – Transformation Center One of the main requirements of a major disaster relief operation is the availability of robust and reliable communication infrastructure.  In order to meet the sudden surge in demand, the communication infrastructure needs to offer considerable network capacity throughout disaster areas and, at the same time, to operate after partial destruction of infrastructure and lack of power-sources.  In addition to the capacity offered, the support for mobility is also highly desirable.  In terms of applications, a support for voice communications is critical at the initial response stage.  A capability of handling multimedia applications [...]




Networking in Automation VRA is a Support action for networking and international cooperation on Vehicle and Road automation addressing in particular the deployment needs. Highly or full automation of vehicles will contribute to the enhancement of traffic safety by reducing the driver‘s workload, and minimizing the human errors and incidents due to the driver‘s distraction or reduced vigilance. Vehicle and Road Automation will also significantly impact the traffic efficiency with the reduction of congestion, by minimizing speed variations and avoiding cases of stop and go. Furthermore, the resulting reduction of vehicle emissions and fuel consumption will have a positive impact on [...]




European Smart Mobility Resource Manager For many decades, urban planning and transport evolved around the private car, which has resulted in problems such as congestion, noise, pollution, etc. To tackle these adverse impacts and improve the livability of Europe’s cities, citizens today can benefit, next to the private vehicle, public transport and non-motorised modes, from a variety of new sustainable and complementary mobility schemes, including dynamic vehicle sharing, real-time carpooling, demand-responsive transport, Electric Vehicles (EVs) sharing, etc. The interaction between users and the transport environment prior to and during travel has also greatly improved. More and more, travellers are able to [...]


Use it Wisely


Manufacturing of high investment, long service life, one of a kind or highly customized products such as working machines, cranes, ship, trains, power plant equipment, aircraft and spacecraft is important for Europe. Thus, the EU27 export of machinery and transport equipment is €0.65 trillion, which is 42% of the total €1.55 trillion exports of goods. This industry employs over 7.4 million people in 872 thousand enterprises with a production value of €0.98 trillion (5.5% of EU’s GDP) . This project investigates new business models, methodological and technical grounds of such services. In the Use-it-wisely project, we propose to investigate the business [...]

Use it Wisely2023-08-22T13:02:11+03:00
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