Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe

ARCADE is a Coordination and Support Action that coordinates consensus-building across stakeholders for sound and harmonised deployment of Connected, Cooperative and Automated Driving (CAD).

ARCADE supports the commitment of the European Commission, the European Member States and the industry to develop a common approach to development, testing, validation and deployment of CAD in Europe and beyond.

The ARCADE project will run for three years and aims to establish a joint stakeholders forum in order to coordinate and harmonise automated road transport approaches at European (e.g. strategic alignment of national action plans for automated driving) and international level (in particular with the US and Japan). Towards this objective, ARCADE will be responsible for the organization of the annual European CAD Conference and is open to associated partners beyond the confinements of the consortium.

ICCS is responsible for the concertation of EU CAD projects (Task 2.4), is leading the discussions under the thematic area of “connectivity” in WP3 and is co-leading the task on lessons learnt in WP4.

Project objectives:

Cooperation between all CAD stakeholders (e.g. industry, research, member states, European Commission and international partners) from the different sectors (e.g. automotive, infrastructure, ICT and service provisions)

Coordination of cooperation efforts between all programmes, initiatives and projects, including national and European research programmes as well international cooperation activities

Exchange of knowledge, lessons and experiences from past and ongoing activities at national, European and international level

Consensus building on CAD deployment scenarios and research needs for connected and automated driving.

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