Startup PhosPrint P.C. spin-off from ICCS-NTUA won 3rd prize at SPIE annual 2023 meeting

On 31 January 2023, the startup PhosPrint P.C., spin-off from ICCS-NTUA, won the 3rd prize in the Startup Challenge competition held as part of the SPIE (International Society for Optics and Photonics) annual 2023 meeting in San Francisco, USA. Co-founder of PhosPrint is Professor Ioanna Zergioti, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences of NTUA.

The Startup Challenge is aimed at start-up companies using photonics technologies in health, and award-winning companies are selected after two evaluation steps, including a pitch competition.   PhosPrint was recognized for its novel laser bioprinting technology that repairs in vivo human tissue during surgery,

About 3000 companies participate in this conference and it is one of the largest scientific events in photonics.Warmest congratulations to Prof. Zergioti and the PhosPrint people for this significant and very promising distinction.

“It was a great experience for me,” adds Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of PhosPrint Ioanna Zergioti. “It was exciting for us to have the opportunity to present our startup at the SPIE Startup Challenge. It was especially great to work with the judges, and to get feedback from senior investors in the field.”

The 2023 SPIE Startup Challenge was supported by Founding Partner Jenoptik; Lead Sponsors Edmund Optics, Hamamatsu, MKS Instruments, and Thorlabs; and Supporting Sponsors NextCorps Luminate and Photonics Media. The competition judges who vetted the applicants for their business models, financial cases, and competitive advantages included Jenoptik’s Kristin Holzhey, MKS Instruments’ Marc D. Himel, Edmund Optics’ Agnes Hübscher, NextCorps Luminate’s Sujatha Ramanujan, Hamamatsu Ventures’ Richard Oberreiter, and Thorlabs’ Garrett Cole.

Light-based technologies enable developments in a proliferating number of areas, from healthcare and high-speed communications to quantum computing, AR/VR/MR, and self-driving vehicles. The SPIE Startup Challenge is an annual entrepreneurial pitch competition for new businesses that utilize optics and photonics to create innovative products, applications, and technologies. Startup Challenge winners that have gone on to wider commercial success include Cellino BiotechDouble Helix OpticsPhotoniCareC. Light TechnologiesCircle Optics, and In A Blink.

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