Ongoing Projects, Partner, Projects
Social INnovation to FOster iNclusIve Cooperative, connected and Automated mobility
SINFONICA aims to develop functional, efficient, and innovative strategies, methods and tools to engage CCAM users, providers and other stakeholders (i.e., citizens, including vulnerable users, transport operators, public administrations, service providers, researchers, vehicle and technology suppliers) to collect, understand and structure in a manageable and exploitable way their needs, desires, and concerns related to CCAM. SINFONICA will co-create final decision support tools for designers and decision makers to enhance the CCAM seamless and sustainable deployment, to be inclusive and equitable for all citizens. The project has a duration of 36 months and comprises of 14 partners from 7 EU countries.
In the SINFONICA project, ICCS is represented by one of its Research Groups, the I-SENSE Group. I-SENSE experts will lead (in WP4) the activities to define and implement the overall SINFONICA Knowledge map explorer system architecture. Further contributions will be made to setting the SINFONICA framework (WP1) by creating a CCAM vocabulary and studying the gap of CCAM solutions deployment, data analysis, enrichment and systematization (WP3) and finally, establishing the processes for ethics issues and data management (WP7).