Unlocking Large-Scale Access to Combined Mobility through a European MaaS Network

IMOVE is an H2020 project, involving 15 partners from 9 EU Countries. The project aims to accelerate the deployment and unlock the scalability of MaaS schemes in Europe, ultimately paving the way for a “roaming” service for MaaS users at European level.

To this end, IMOVE will investigate and validate advanced solutions for improving MaaS deployment and operation and their underlying business models. Core ITS elements enabling MaaS development will be delivered, including enhanced real-time collection of data about user needs, habits and preferences and tools for the (controlled) exchange of information and tools to enhance interoperability among different service components and between different MaaS schemes.

The IMOVE impact will be tested at four sites, all strongly engaged in the MaaS domain and setting specific actions on existing or new MaaS schemes. The sites have been selected according to their complementarity, where success and failure factors for any specific measure and context will be investigated and evaluated. The resulting knowledge and lessons learned will be made available and shared with any interested MaaS operator.

ICCS is the leader of Work Package 3 “Data & Information Exchange Framework” and therefore responsible for the definition of a reference data & service model to interface the MaaS, facilitates the exchange of information along the MaaS value-chain and enables service operations to be developed within the project. The specific WP also takes care of the Open Research Data management, defining a Data Management Plan which will be iteratively update during the project.

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