Evaluation and validation of connected mobility in real open systems beyond 5GS
ENVELOPE is a new Horizon Europe project coordinated by I-SENSE Group. With a total budget of 15.8€ and a duration of 3 years, it is among the new 27 research, innovation and trials projects financed by the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).
The project’s main objective is to advance and open up the reference 5G adv. architecture, and transform it into a vertical-oriented one. It builds on the success of previous Connected and Automation Mobility (CAM)-related and SNS projects and will deliver 3 large scale Beyond 5G (B5G) trial sites in Italy, Netherlands and Greece. ENVELOPE aims CAM vertical services and beyond, by supporting them with advanced exposure capabilities and functionalities tailored to the services’ needs. Although focused on the CAM vertical, the developments resulting from the use cases will be reusable by any vertical. The ENVELOPE architecture will serve as an envelope that can cover, accommodate and support any type of vertical services. The applicability of ENVELOPE capabilities will be demonstrated and validated via the project CAM UCs and via at least 9 open call winners that will have the opportunity to receive funding and test their innovative solutions by employing ENVELOPE’s tools
Next to running ENVELOPE’s overall project management, the I-SENSE Group team will oversee the integration and roll-out of the necessary 5G adv./6G technologies and innovations in the project’s large-scale trial sites and also lead the project’s dissemination activities and events.
ENVELOPE consists of 23 partners from 10 different EU countries (Greece, Italy, Netherlands, France, Hungary, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Cyprus and Luxembourg). The consortium counts on major research organisations actively involved in national and EU 5G-PPP, SNS JU and CCAM partnership (and beyond) projects (I-SENSE Group, LINKS Foundation, NCSRD, University of Duisburg-Essen, TNO, ISI/ATHand VICOMTECH), network operators with deployed 5G SA (COSMOTE, KPN and TIM), OEMs/Vehicle providers (Teoresi and ISFM), ICT and CAM industrial suppliers (Hewlett Packard Enterprise, SIEMENS and LENOVO), highly expertized SMEs (Nextworks, FOGUS, Commsignia, Iquadrat, EBOS and InCites), a city council (City of Turin), and a CAM-related stakeholders’ partnership (ERTICO).
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Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
National Technical University of Athens
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering / NTUA