BATTERY Management system and System design for stationary energy storage with 2nd LIFE batteries

Battery2Life will facilitate the smooth transition of batteries to 2nd life use and boost the innovation of the European Battery Industry by providing enablers to implement open adaptable smart BMSes (battery management systems) and improved system designs and proposing methods for the efficient and reliable reconfiguration of used batteries. Battery2Life introduces two new battery system design frameworks serving the upcoming market needs: the first supports the business transition for the initial market by restructuring existing battery design patterns while the second one introduces completely new design principles for 1st and 2nd life of the battery. The project will specify an open BMS concept, data formats, taking into account and extending the battery passport concept, and interoperable communication via the cloud platform to third parties including the future passport exchange system, to facilitate monitoring and assessment. The project prototypes will be demonstrated within the context of two business cases, i.e. domestic storage application and utility-scale load levelling one.



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