Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) System for External Aid Interventions, LOT 1 – ROM for Asia and Pasific, Latin America, Caribbean, and Cnetrally Managed Thematic Interventions – ROMGLOBAL
The main goal of ROM system is to enhance the European Commission’s (EC) accountability and management capacities with a strong focus on results and supports EU Delegation and Headquarter services by providing an external opinion on project implementation. The overall objective of the contract is as follows:
To improve the performance of EU-funded interventions by strengthening design, monitoring and evaluation systems at intervention and institutional level
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
• Purpose 1: to provide an external, objective and impartial assessment on the performance of selected ongoing DG DEVCO interventions.
• Purpose 2: to provide technical support to EC services in the formulation of intervention logics and related logical framework matrices (logframes) as well as in the design of monitoring and reporting systems at intervention level.
• Purpose 3: to support results reporting at institutional and intervention level