RESPECT project objective is to create a sustainable European and inter-sectoral network of organisations working on a joint research programme aiming to design and develop concrete defense strategies to ensure secure, safe, resilient and privacy-preserving operation of indoor mobile robotics solutions for logistic applications in healthcare environments.
Specifically the main research objectives of the project are:
(i) Explore and identify system-specific cyber-physical weaknesses posing security, privacy, and safety threats, in autonomous mobile robots operating in a healthcare environment;
(ii) Analyse surfaced vulnerability issues in conjunction with projected threats and propose defence measures and mitigation strategies towards safeguarding mobile robots operation.
(iii) Define and standardize a minimal set of vulnerability testing procedures and guidelines leveraging and extending the Robot Vulnerability Scoring System for safe and autonomous robotic fleet management in a “safety-critical setting”. The project will be implemented through staff exchanges among different organizations with complementary expertise in cybersecurity, healthcare, cloud computing and robotics from 5 countries across EU promoting transfer of knowledge between industry and academia.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s MSCA programme under Grant Agreement n°101007673.