Completed Projects, Partner, Projects
Enhancing Standardisation strategies to integrate innovative technologies for Safety and Security in existing water networks
Exposure of citizens to potential disasters has led to vulnerable societies that require risk reduction measures. Drinking water is one main source of risk when its safety and security is not ensured. aqua3S combines novel technologies in water safety and security, aiming to standardise existing sensor technologies complemented by state-of-the-art detection mechanisms. On the one hand sensor networks are deployed in water supply networks and sources, supported by complex sensors for enhanced detection; on the other hand, sensor measurements are supported by videos from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), satellite images and social media observations from the citizens that report low-quality water in their area (e.g. by colorisation), creating also social awareness and an interactive knowledge transfer. Semantic representation and data fusion provide intelligent DSS alerts and messages to the public through the first responders’ mediums. The proposed technical solution is designed to offer a very effective detection system, taking into account the cost of the aqua3S platform and targets at a very high return over investment ratio. A strategy for the insertion of aqua3S solution into the market is designed towards the standardisation of the proposed technologies and the aqua3S secure platform.
ICCS will participate in the Work-Package on “Enhanced sensing for the water security and safety” by implementing the solution for Data collection from multiple sensors and sources as well as by selecting and customizing refractive index sensors to be integrated into the security platform of the water utility partners. Additionally, will lead the Work-Package on “Multi-sensor semantic data fusion for intelligent event detection” and will participate in tasks related to the development of the data harmonization and semantic representation services as well as for the deployment of the Integration layer and the storage service (Multimodal indexing of heterogeneous data). Finally, ICCS will also participate in “System Integration” work-package, contributing to the system architecture development and the definition of security requirements.