5G-LOGINNOV Final Event: 5G Technology in the service of Maritime Logistics

5G-LOGINNOV project organized its final event in the Pretorian Palace at Koper, Slovenia on the 07th of November 2023.

Experts, local stakeholders, industry leaders, project partners and political figures from the Slovenian Government participated in the event and were updated in latest progress and updates from the 5G industry to make ports and logistics more efficient and “smarter”.

The final event included interesting presentations, live demonstrations and practical implementations of the 5G-LOGINNOV three living labs in Koper (Slovenia), Athens (Greece) and Hamburg (Germany).

5G-LOGINNOV’s vision was to optimize freight and traffic operations at Ports and Logistics hubs via innovative concepts, applications and devices supported by 5G technology, the IoT, AI-enabled data analytics, next generation traffic management systems, Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM).

Athens and Koper Living Labs (LLs) are focused on 5G applications tailored to 5G and Smart Logistics within the Port premises, whereas in Hamburg, the focus resides in hinterland, i.e., the interconnection of the Port with the road transport network and road infrastructure.

5G-LOGINNOV’s final event demonstrated the portfolio of 5G technologies and technology enablers exploited by the three living labs for supporting the daily port operations and services. Following the compute continuum paradigm various AI-service placement options have been considered (far-edge, edge and cloud) given the diverse set of requirements of the developed use cases (e.g., latency sensitive, or throughput intensive), creating a 5G ecosystem system of cloud native interconnected Port assets (5G Trucks, 5G cranes, 5G drones, 5G IoT).

Dr. Pavlos Basaras  and Manos Vasilopoulos, from our research group  demonstrated five use cases on:

  • 5G&AI-enabled surveillance and monitoring;
  • 5G&AI-enabled container seal detection;
  • 5G&AI-enabled collision warning;
  • Truck Fleet Management Platform;
  • Predictive Maintenance;

5G-LOGINNOV Main Achievements

  • The support of the “Green” Port Industry vision by reducing the hub’s operation emissions;
  • 5G based Green Light Optimum Speed Advisory (GLOSA) system coupled with precise positioning technology and MEC, for combined coordination of vehicle platoon movements and traffic light infrastructure;
  • Improve the efficiency of logistics operations via 5G&AI-enabled enabled video analytics services related to port control, logistics and remote automation;
  • Enhance safety and security operations by developing 5G&AI-enabled video analytics services including mission-critical AI-assisted drone surveillance;

To learn more about 5G-LOGINNOV project visit https://5g-loginnov.eu/

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