Integrating Risk Perception and Action to enhance Civil protection-Citizen interaction.
RiskPACC focuses on increasing disaster resilience across society by closing the so-called Risk Perception Action Gap (RPAG) and aims to provide an understanding of disaster resilience from the perspective of citizens and Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs), identifying resilience building initiatives and good practices led by both citizens and CPAs. RiskPACC will develop a dedicated co-creation approach fostering collaboration between citizens, CPAs, Civil Society Organisations, researchers and developers through its seven case studies to jointly design and prototype novel solutions to build enhanced disaster resilience. The “Risk Pack” of solutions will include a framework and methodology to understand and close the RPAG; a repository of international best practice; and, tooled solutions based on new forms of digital and community-centred data and associated training guidance. RiskPACC’s consortium (comprised of CPAs, NGOs, connector organisations, researchers and technical experts) will facilitate knowledge sharing and peer-learning to close the RPAG and build disaster resilience.

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