RESilient transport infranSTructure to extreme events  RESIST is an H2020 European project with an overall goal to increase resilience of seamless transport operations to natural and man-made extreme events, protect the users of the European transport infrastructure and provide optimal information to the operators and users of the transport infrastructure. RESIST consortium consists of a diverse group of 17 partners from 10 countries ranging from civil engineers, infrastructure operations, robotics, research institutes etc. The RESIST project aims on the following principal objectives.

  • Vulnerability assessment to physical, Extreme, Natural and manmade events
  • Developments of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) for inspection and sensor mounting to critical infrastructure
  • Cyber security management solutions
  • Alternative, secure and continuous communications for normal and emergency operations
  • Highway users psychological and behavioral dimensions of safety and its impact on the effective operational capacity and communication of the control with the users
  • Mobility continuity for passengers and freight under extreme events in the highway transport mode
  • Risk assessment and management involving critical highway structures under extreme events.
  • Development of the integrated RESIST platform

These objectives will be achieved by a multi-level approach which includes tools and technologies for designing both preventive and predictive strategies for transport network resilience in terms of vulnerability and predictive analysis and risk assessment, as well as reactive ones in terms of emergency secure communication and on demand rapid and accurate robotic in-depth structural damage inspection of critical transport structures after disaster for offering situation awareness to the control and rerouting option to the users. The outcome of the project is expected to substantially contribute to the improvement of smooth continuity of mobility of people and freight even in the case of serious disruptions due to natural or man-made circumstances. Additionally, it will offer actions that will increase the level of resilience of the transport infrastructure which will permit a continuously and smoothly functioning transport infrastructure, essential for the mobility of people and freight, and thus, for Europe’s sustainable development. ICCS is the RESIST project coordinator, responsible for all operational and administrative tasks and the project quality manager, responsible for crafting and maintaining the quality standards of the project. ICCS is also leading the mobility continuity module (WP 6, Tasks 6.1/6.2/6.4) that will allow for effective rerouting of traffic in case of an extreme event with the help of a user-friendly mobile device application. Additionally, ICCS is leading task 5.1 that will see the design of the networking architecture to support secure and resilient emergency communications.

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